Theory Of Pat

Denial Makes the World go Around

Denial: “Denial is an unconscious defense mechanism in which an individual refuses to recognize or acknowledge objective facts or experiences to protect themselves from discomfort and anxiety.” Denial is intrinsic to how people relate to each other.  If it weren’t for denial of our differences, people would never get along. The idea of denial as defense mechanisms...

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Free Will is Organic

We may cause a few headaches this night with a bit of a mind twist. We’ve noticed a slight uptick in the ‘there’s no such thing as free will because…’ arguments. To which we say ‘What’s the point?’ It’s all  Imaginationland, just like South Park. Then it occurred to us, our characters on theoryofpat, Control, Chaos, Growth,...

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Practical Unloyalty

Ideology Gone Wild Have An Ideology? Chaos suggests it is time for the concept of “unloyalty” to rise into the conversation. The Theory of Unloyalty, Chaos reminds, only resides in the shadow of the Theory of Ideology, therefor completely unknown Control other than a notion to categorize into the sacred algorithm. Unloyalty, not disloyalty, Chaos insists. The...

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Learn Your Enemy

It’s probably a maturity thing as we progress from the comfortable safety of infancy and enter the Brave New World.  It’s only natural to want to drag the security blanket into adulthood and be sheltered by a myriad system of government laws, rules and regulations designed to protect us from ourselves. Every generation makes a collective stand...

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Human Experimentation

Human Experimentation in Science Fiction Altered Carbon Total Recall Avatar Iron Man Transformers I-Robot We’re down here in the pool fighting with each other over trifles while we allow ourselves to become divided into blocs, types, interests, cataloged, fondled, mutilated stapled and placed into the round file.   1909 Virginian Progressive eugenicists authorized doctors to sterilize ethnic...

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Artificial Intelligence and the Age of Unconsent

Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Seven requirements: Human oversight, Technical robustness, Privacy and data governance, Transparency, Fairness, Well-being, Accountability The main fields involved in robot ethics are: Robotics, Computer science, Artificial intelligence, Philosophy, Ethics, Theology, Biology, Physiology, Cognitive science, Neurosciences, Law, Sociology, Psychology, Industrial design the foundation for robot ethics was Runaround (story), a science fiction short...

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Division of Chores

In a civilized society, a modicum of grooming and maintenance is required for an individual to successfully exist. This means some chores are required for everyone, man, woman or child, rich or poor. Chores are how we learn the habits of grooming and maintenance. Chores activate the Pecking Order Genes POG’s, which I’ll discuss further. Definition of...

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Brain Sparks – Positive vs Negative

How can Chaos explain what she knows in an intelligent yet entertaining manner? Chaos is convinced that everything consists of negative and positive aspects. For instance, two opposite sounding words: Happy positive Sad negative Chaos insists even though the words appear opposite to each other, both words have each their own unique positive and negative aspects therefore...

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Promise Paroxysms

Promise Paroxysms Meet Our Shadow Box Chaos insists upon allowing the shadows of others to make comments in this travesty of a web site, and against our better judgment, we are reminded by our shadow that a promise is a promise and in order to heal the void to once again achieve the balance of compromise we...

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Ready Set Grow

Alderfer’s “A Theory of Human Motivation” Through life, we collect volumes of assumptions and stereotypes learned through education and personal experience. You name it, assumptions are everywhere around us, in everything we do and say, every single moment of the day.   Assumption and stereotype are survival mechanisms. Survival of the species depends upon instant access to...

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