Timely Topics Need Strong Voices

Timely Topics Need Strong Voices

Timely Topics Need Strong Voices If not Toastmasters, who? Free speech is not only about an individuals protected right to speak but the responsibility of the individual to listen and…
Where to Find Inspiration

Where to Find Inspiration

Table Topics: Inspiration The dictionary definition of inspiration: "The process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative". There is no single way to…
What’s Your Excuse?

What’s Your Excuse?

Excuses If: I had a good education I could get more money I could find a good job Other people understood me Did not fear what they would say Had…
Brain On Fear – Table Topics

Brain On Fear – Table Topics

Glossophobia (Gloss-o-FO-bee-uh) Glossophobia, a fear of public speaking is a common type of social phobia, (social anxiety disorder). Glossophobics feel excessive self-consciousness, fear humiliation in social situations where they may…
Toastmaster Topics

Toastmaster Topics

Theme or Speech Ideas Now and then a subject pops up which makes me think, hey, that would make a great classroom discussion, Toastmaster's or Rotary speech or theme for…
Think, weigh evidence

Speech 3-D Thinking

What is 3-D Thinking? Critical thinking is 3-D thinking.  Critical not in the sense of movie critics and bad reviews, but critical as in asking questions and pondering data. Critical…