The Theory of Pat is a gradual process which will expand as we work out the mysteries of our past, present and future. We chose to share as we learn and practice how to navigate our own impulsive and irrational thoughts so we may help others better defend against those who work to exploit weakness.
Tiger Dragon - Chaos The Theory of Pat is a gradual process which will expand as we work out that which vexes us most. The mysteries of our past, present…
Division of Chores In a civilized society, a modicum of grooming and maintenance is required for an individual to successfully exist. This means some chores are required for everyone, man,…
Compartmentalization, the narcissism of rejection, prevents introspection. Chaos reminds this is where shadows communicate through fear and intimidation.shadows repeat the same script everywhere. Compartmentalization is how the brain Compartmentalization is…
The Struggle Between Me, Myself and I The inner self, the endless chatter, constant questions, what is our purpose, what should we do, why do we do, think, and say. …
A self-forgiving process. There are two places where we send unwanted, unresolvable thoughts and memories for a good reason. Anxiety producing useless, unresolvable memories that involve loved ones, deceased relatives,…
It occurred to us that in order to better explain our healing process we should illustrate characters to represent our own personal ERG. Control: represents the tough bitch who despises…
Lastly if we're feeling particularly vulnerable, sad, picked on or un-cared for, we visualize ourselves as young as possibly into infancy, cradled in the arms of two perfect parents we…
Beginning: Not too long ago we experienced a purpose of life crisis, Thinking about loss, regret, couldabeens Mom, Dad, Grandma Old friends long gone Kids regrets Reinventing ourselves A bit…
Not in this Love story however: When Schizoid Personalities Collide: Philosophic Comedy This is the time in our relationship where the “We need a hug” mood (illustrated) super collides with…
It was a good week for pseudo-mutuality. The art of conflict resolution by waiting for it to go away. This is how we resolve our co-emotional problems. Fantasy Rules