Write a Mother’s Day letter

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Read Time:2 Minute, 56 Second
When my granddaughter was around 10, she was having a bad time with her Mom. I sat down with her and we worked up this list of positive things Mother provides. It helped. Maybe it can help others.
Write a Mother’s Day letter with this check list as a guide.
  • Gives me hugs
  • Gives me lots of kisses
  • Reads stories to me
  • listens to my stories
  • takes me to counselors
  • Plays with me
  • lets me play jokes on her
  • combs my hair
  • buys clothes for me
  • buys toys for me
  • buys food for me
  • buys me new shoes
  • lets me play with my friends
  • Takes me for walks
  • Goes bicycle riding with me
  • Drives me to school
  • Takes me to the zoo
  • Takes me to the ocean
  • Washes my clothes
  • Cooks good food for me
  • Makes my bed
  • Loves me more than anyone else in the world
  • Puts bandages on my hurts
  • Gives me great birthday parties
  • teaches me to be honest
  • Talks to me
  • Makes me feel pretty
  • Makes me feel handsome
  • Compliments me when I do good in school
  • Teaches me to dance and sing
  • Likes to watch me dance
  • Answers my questions
  • Listens to me
  • When my mother is happy I feel good
  • loves me for who I am
  • teaches me to say please and thank you
  • Takes me to church
  • Lets me know I am important to her
  • is honest with me
  • I trust my mother
  • keeps me safe from harm
  • lets me visit my friends and family
  • lets me wear fingernail polish
  • teaches me how to put on makeup
  • makes sure I am dressed for the weather
  • loves me even when I act unlovable
  • goes to parent teacher meetings
  • takes care of me when I am sick
  • Takes me to see grandma and grandpa
  • makes me feel better when I am sad
  • Comforts me when I have bad dreams
  • Compliments me when I do a good job
  • Praises me when I get good grades in school
  • Teaches me how to share
  • Thanks me when I help her with the chores
  • Lets me cook food and make cakes
  • Protects me from rain storms
  • Teaches me about my body changes
  • Makes me feel safe in my house
  • Teaches me not to lie or steal
  • Asks me how my day went
  • Takes me to the grocery store
  • is patient with me
  • makes sure I eat the right foods
  • wants me to be a good person
  • watches my dance recitals
  • takes pictures of me
  • makes crafts with me
  • paints with me
  • draws and colors with me
  • lets me watch my favorite TV shows
  • Lets me listen to the radio
  • reminds me to brush my teeth
  • reminds me to take a bath or shower
  • keeps my house clean
  • keeps my yard clean
  • worries about me
  • lets me have a messy room
  • gives me snacks
  • smiles at me
  • teaches me to respect all people
  • makes me feel peaceful and safe inside
  • adopted me
  • knows what to do when I cry
  • is a really nice person
  • gives me good advice
  • solves problems for me
  • will never abandon me
  • will always love me forever
  • inspires me to do my best
  • makes me proud
  • doesn’t let me do bad things
  • likes to help me
  • makes me feel better when I am disappointed
  • helps me make gingerbread houses
  • tucks me into bed
  • tells me she loves me
  • loves me for no reason
  • is always there when things go wrong
  • lets me make mistakes
  • teaches me right from wrong
  • has never abandoned me
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