Color of What We Most Need in the Dark

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Chaos lost the phone again tonight and we were forced to once again ask the Other to call so it will ring.
White superiority ain’t got nuthin on this conspiracy theory.
Why is it all that we need most in the dark comes in the color of black.
As it turns out, the phone was resting at my side, all alone, in the dark, in blackface, on a black glass table with lights off. yes we are negligent, however;
Chaos inquires:
Why can’t what we need most in the dark come in white and glow effervescently, blue, red and all colors of the rainbow?
We agree, a bright nose salesman must have convinced or strongarmed every manufacturer of everything electronic on the planet to come equipt with a LED of every color spectrum imaginable in every imaginable places.
Look around we encourage at every corner, lights blink, blink. Cable box, modem, surge protectors, alarms, clocks, coffee maker, stove, refrigerator, toaster, pc, laptop, charger, light switch, toothbrush, razor…we get the picture…
Yet Chaos Suggests why the Fuss?
We profer, this seems similar to life in a cheesy hotel with crappy curtains and neon signs that scream ‘we’re on! Hooray!
Chaos is nonplussed.
White supremacy lights help us find what we need most in the dark blinking, flashing, flickering all night long sort of effervescent colors to guide our way in the dark.
We applaud black supremacy for keeping this shit down, as lightness in darkness is no kind of darkness.
LED’s push the boundaries of blackness and we suggest intervention to stop this invasion of lightness in darkness.
TAO – Karma – Slack
As TAO would have it, we remind, simultaneous messaging everywhere in media shouts to prevailing winds these wise words of wisdom.
8 Hours Sleep or You May Die
Wouldn’t you guess, scienc(ie) determines all shadows equally deserve no less than 8 hours of safe and restful sleep, sleep, sleep lest we die.
It’s for our own good. Apply here, and here, and here, and here..
We inquire: What are the rules of safe and restful sleep, sleep, sleep?
The mere suggestion results in thousands of pages of endless advice most of which include preparing a zen-like sleep in total darkness setting.
The desire for darkness. There it is.
This awkward predicament inspires the purchase of multiple rolls of black electrical tape to cover every LED in the house. Black supremacy achieved.
The current obsession is always a thing few shadows consider until reminded of unimaginable harm lest we obsess.
The phone is fine btw.
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