
Appropriate American Attitudes

Tired, Hungry, Huddled Masses America is Not Chaos ruminates over the infantile behavior of those who chose to loot, rob and destroy while searching for resolution which will result in the balance necessary to achieve the quorum necessary to achieve peace. (or whatever). Regards to the willingness of politicians and intended victims proclivities to excitement and violence...

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Twitter a Social Behemouth

History Lesson for Chaos Upon researching the real life Judge Roy Bean reveals Hollywood history at its worst. The true character of JJB is completely malaigned and mischaracterized to historically associate this judge with the hanging judge moniker. The facts of his judge ship are that he was honerable yet here he is reduced to mockery through...

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Walk on the Wild Side

Walk on the Wild Side Movies and media, commercials and color TV make us all crave the great outdoors where the country air is sweet, fresh and fragrant. Chaos finds wicked amusement when innocent shadows of suburbia move to the country to discover steaming piles of cow dung, biting flies, pig farms, dust, pollen and smoke in...

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What is a CAD?

And How to Deal with One Definition (in addition and besides all the foul misogynistic pervs recently filling the news pages)… an individual who acts with deliberate disregard for another person’s feelings or rights A rogue, or bounder. A cad is a man who will not quite live up to codes of conduct. Cads disguise themselves as...

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Constitution Eat Thyself

Wolves have convinced the Sheep to Lay Off their Guard Dogs As chaos of knowledge all things Constitution, civics, how branches of Government work together and observe, once a public school staple, erodes into decades of irrelevancy to near traitor status, how may shadows of “We” may be expected to recognize the ramifications of what is requested...

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What is a Woman?

We came to an agreement several years ago, the four of us among countless as yet unknowns, that since Chaos insists upon 3:00 A.M. crying sessions we should establish ground rules so at least three of us can get some sleep. Our female birth was a disappointment.  Everyone involved prayed for a boy…Had I been a boy,...

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Human Experimentation

Human Experimentation in Science Fiction Altered Carbon Total Recall Avatar Iron Man Transformers I-Robot We’re down here in the pool fighting with each other over trifles while we allow ourselves to become divided into blocs, types, interests, cataloged, fondled, mutilated stapled and placed into the round file.   1909 Virginian Progressive eugenicists authorized doctors to sterilize ethnic...

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Private School vs Public School

Private Schools are Indefensible that private schools were allowed to open when so many public schools were closed “Please tell us what are the criteria for re-opening fully in person,” they wrote. And they dropped heavy artillery: “From our understanding, several of our peer schools are not just surviving but thriving.” Shortly after the physicians weighed in, more...

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Deadly Doublespeak

Chaos knows our slide into the shadowland started the day we sat down to enjoy a bit of news with our dinner and to witness a whore politician look directly into our trusting eyes and question the meaning of the word “is.” Until that moment Control held a stranglehold on the dreams and ideals that we had...

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