April 2022

Speech 3-D Thinking

Think, weigh evidence

What is 3-D Thinking? Critical thinking is 3-D thinking.  Critical not in the sense of movie critics and bad reviews, but critical as in asking questions and pondering data. Critical thinking happens when you question your own positions and beliefs on issues and events. Most of the time humans operate on auto-pilot, 2-D fast-thinking.  This is a...

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Hilarity Harvest – Speech

Activities for the Fall Harvest Season – Speech Our 5 to 7 minute contribution to the Hilarity Harvest No-Contest Toastmaster affair back in October 30, 2018. For this speech, we researched to find a few of the more common activities people partake in the fall/Halloween season. Then we envisioned ourself partaking in such activities as an out...

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What Is Funny – Speech

Philosophy of Funny, aka Humor Gets a Bad Rap When people are asked what’s important in their lives, they often mention humor. Sense of humor nears the top of the most wanted traits couples want most in a partner. Since ancient times, over 3,000 years, philosophers have claimed dominion over all that is important in life, but...

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What is Funny? Table Topics

What IS Funny These table topic questions below accompany our speech: Philosophy of Humor. According to Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy’s, Philosophy of Humor, https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/humor/ ‘When people are asked what’s important in their lives, they often mention humor. Couples listing the traits they prize in their spouses usually put “sense of humor” at or near the top. Philosophers...

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What is a Woman?

We came to an agreement several years ago, the four of us among countless as yet unknowns, that since Chaos insists upon 3:00 A.M. crying sessions we should establish ground rules so at least three of us can get some sleep. Our female birth was a disappointment.  Everyone involved prayed for a boy…Had I been a boy,...

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Best Friends

Acknowledge the Shadow What is it that you do not tell yourself? Control, the brain’s Inner Guard protects the id, ego, and superego from harm. The Id, ego, and superego collude to prevent awareness of uncomfortable truths about ourselves which prevent us from acknowledging the role we play in that search which contributes to what we find...

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Learn Your Enemy

It’s probably a maturity thing as we progress from the comfortable safety of infancy and enter the Brave New World.  It’s only natural to want to drag the security blanket into adulthood and be sheltered by a myriad system of government laws, rules and regulations designed to protect us from ourselves. Every generation makes a collective stand...

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Human Experimentation

Human Experimentation in Science Fiction Altered Carbon Total Recall Avatar Iron Man Transformers I-Robot We’re down here in the pool fighting with each other over trifles while we allow ourselves to become divided into blocs, types, interests, cataloged, fondled, mutilated stapled and placed into the round file.   1909 Virginian Progressive eugenicists authorized doctors to sterilize ethnic...

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