Theory of Pat

Theory of Pat

Theory of Pat The goal of The Theory of Pat is to talk about me, myself and I but in the plural as in multi personality based entirely upon science!…

Had No Value for Us

What does this mean to have value for a person, place or thing or to have no value of same? Our own Mother held no value for us. We developed…

Practical Unloyalty

Ideology Gone Wild Have An Ideology? Chaos suggests it is time for the concept of "unloyalty" to rise into the conversation. The Theory of Unloyalty, Chaos reminds, only resides in…

Artificial Intelligence and the Age of Unconsent

Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Seven requirements: Human oversight, Technical robustness, Privacy and data governance, Transparency, Fairness, Well-being, Accountability The main fields involved in robot ethics are: Robotics, Computer…

Promise Paroxysms

Promise Paroxysms Meet Our Shadow Box Chaos insists upon allowing the shadows of others to make comments in this travesty of a web site, and against our better judgment, we…

Ready Set Grow

Alderfer's “A Theory of Human Motivation” Through life, we collect volumes of assumptions and stereotypes learned through education and personal experience. You name it, assumptions are everywhere around us, in…

How Important is Change to You?

How important is change to you? In order to change you have to prepare your environment to be conducive to change. Environment is Important: Yours Theirs But mostly yours What…

What is a personality?

What is a personality? What affects emotions, reactions and behaviors which determine individual personality traits? Is a personality trait the face we present to others? Is the face the same…

We Are Not Hostages of Our Past

Introducing Me, MySelf & I. Subject to Change, Growth & Self-Preservation. This might appear repetitive but bear with us... We are capable, confident and strong. We Are Not Hostages to…

What’s the Deal with Relationships?

Each person brings a unique experience, knowledge and intelligence into a relationship. How we behave with each other can be influenced by oversimplified stereotypes based upon prior experiences. Stereotypes can…