It occurred to us that in order to better explain our healing process we should illustrate characters to represent our own personal ERG.
- Control: represents the tough bitch who despises Chaos.
- Growth: Me
- Chaos: Represents imagination, creativity, curiosity and mortal enemy of Control.

Together we are victims of chronic introspection, incurably infected with the WSC virus, (Woulda, Shoulda, Coulda), which by all evidence doesn’t seem to be too contagious.
WSC Virus side effects are excessive amounts of niggling, nagging thoughts and memories, unresolved conflicts, regrets, remorse, loss which make life miserable.
- Who are these inner voices that say yea or nay?
- What makes me feel proud, ashamed, anxious?
- why did I have to say that to the boss?!
- What triggers bad memories and hard feelings?
- Where did life go so horribly wrong?
- Why feel like such a loser over stupid stuff?
- How could all of the above have gone any differently?
Most people could say they suffer some form of childhood trauma that affects them throughout their lives.
That’s how coping skills are seared into our craniums to develop into stereotypes and paradigms as we mature. Coping skills are survival skills.
Touch a flame…take your lumps, you probably won’t be touching any flames any time soon.
Appropriate coping survival skills:
- Swallow
- Walk it off
- Deal
- Learn
Feel like you want to – but resist the urge to
- Take a swing at the boss?
- Pinch an ass?
- Pilfer forbidden fruit?
This is how Control guarantees basic survival of mySelf.
Most of the time it’s obvious – don’t cross the street till after you look both ways.
Mother drilled that into our head probably from our our first step onto a crosswalk up till at least junior high.
- Look both ways.
- Look both ways.
- Look both ways.
Guess what we did to our children.

The rule of three is a repetitious pattern that helps in memorization.
This Triad stereotype has saved us more than once from getting plowed under by red-light runners.
Sometimes the reason for resistance is a phobia or fear. We feel sort of bad for not attending our kid’s third marriage when she decided to say her vows while jumping out the plane along with her new spouse and brother and sister while the preacher read the eulogy vows.
We could not get past the fear of potentially watching our entire family splat to the Earth in tandem.
- Splat
- Splat
- Splat
Not our thing.