July 2021

Personality – What is a Personality?

per·son·al·i·ty (/?p?rs?’nal?de/) noun: personality plural noun: personalities: 1. the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual’s distinctive character. What is Personality? What combinations of emotions, reactions and behaviors coalesce to determine our individual personality traits? Is a personality static or an ever-changing face we present to others? Is there such a thing as “a” personality?...

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Personality Quirks – Table Topics Questions

Personality Quirks Everyone has peculiar personality quirks because we have unique DNA, experiences, education skills, opportunities and abilities. In order to maintain society people don’t think “alike” we think “around” with a filtered nuance that forms a basic community personality. It’s a wonder we get along at all. It’s the nuances that violate the somewhat agreed upon...

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